Super late. Oh well doubt anyone is gonna be reading nways. I'll just write so I can view back another time.
2011. I started out this year declaring to myself that this is gonna be
my an awesome year. Still however, my year didn't start out quite well.
I was in a dire situation. I flunked my STPM, and that was just half of
my problem. I have no direction with life, totally dependent on
parents, and no idea what I plan to do in the future.
story short, on April Fool, Jason rang me up and say my result is
qualified for degree. Thought it was a prank initially. lol. Then went
down to nilai during weekend and voila. I got into INTI nilai. With zero
The start of my uni life also meant a
literally Chapter 2 in my life. I will be leaving home and to a place
full of strangers. Seriously, When I went to INTI I only know 1 guy
there, guess who. Things however, improved as I went along. And by the
end of the year, INTI is like a second home already.
Over this year there are many firsts,
driving over 200miles one shot
time almost forgetting my birthday
time presenting to a ceo
time flicking
time getting paid for doing what i love
time getting an award for my passion
my very 1st jersey
and so on.
I would say taking the option of going to a place where I am almost
alone wasn't a mistake. I was given the opportunity to discover what I
really love and hate, and the opportunity to be a new person without the
ties of the past.
A short photo montage of the year.
I actually participated in sports for real for once. And It's Ultimate
Frisbee. Due to my bad stamina and not athletic lifestyle, it took me
quite a long time to pick up this game. Still, a long journey to go to
fully master it.

Got to know some awesome people as well through the game. Things they do really reminded me of high school days.
And thank you to those who took this pic with me. As a person with a
camera, I tend to be out of shot a lot. And weirdly, I find myself
camera shy at most times. Again, thanks for this picture ;)
Also, as life goes, there are times you felt you nearly got something,
or found. And just at the last second as your heart skips a beat, it
slips off your hand.
Of course, there are those down times as well. Time where we lost, fear
and teared. When things slipped off our fingers or lost into the abyss
taking our hopes and dreams along with it. Times, where I am reminded of
how fragile humans are, and times where I learned to depend on God.
And among the pain and problems, we can always choose to give a laugh to
the world. Shrug off the defeat and take it in, and never repeat the
mistakes that made up those scars. There is so much in life worth
laughing and smiling about, it's just a waste to dwell in sadness. Mourn
for the lost dreams and pray for the greater others.
Without a doubt. This year had brought my dependency to God on a whole
new level, as well as my relationship with Him. I find myself committing
more and more to God, letting goes and just 'Let it be'. As one said,
Que Sera Sera.
Love Never Fails. I will always hold this quote to heart after 2011.
For the moment and the near future perhaps, I suppose my relationship
status would be as the picture above. There will always a lingering
desire in me to find a partner where I could share my memories and
moments with. But the desire just got a little lesser as the year
progress. I will always be in love with the idea of being in love, just
that right now, perhaps life wants my attention to be else where.
pretty much about it I guess. And this is it, a whole new year ahead.
Quoted from a pastor, Best is now, Better is to come. And I know, much
more better is coming my way.
"Make mistakes... fight, love...Live" - The Three Musketeers.