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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spring will come, after the Winter

Well .. kinda think of it.. it was an awesome weekend I went through. Meet back childhood frens, Had awesome food, had 1st experience driving on the highway, attended a concert by a 2 times Grammy nominations piano artist and so on.

Went to Priscilla's house on Sunday .. was sorta a like a small reunion. Well.. I really liked her house's TV set. DAMN IT IS HUGE!!! OMG!! If it falls over me it could make me splat flat on the groud!!!. Dint take pictures of it though.. dnt think she will let me post up photos of it up on here either..xD
Also .. had my 1st time driving experience on the highway..yeah .. after getting my license for so long.. I finally got the opportunity to drive on the highway. Wined down the window and let the wind brushes me at 110km/h .. ahh blissful indeed!! :D However on the way back home I almost went to the wrong way .. which could really cause me to end up in Penang.. or KL .. O.O. Thx Junie for giving the early warning.. I would really just rush into the toll if I wasnt told that might be the wrong way =.= and eventually get myself into an unwanted misadventure.
Blah, 1st time highway dint drive vry fast la.. jst drive 10km/h over the normals speed.

At night attended Enoch Fernando(I still like to call him Ferdinand!! Hmph!!) concert at YMCA. I got the front row seat. Wait no.. its infront of the the front row seat..HAHA. Reason? Operate the projector for him >.<. I recalled getting from him. his song/video flow for the night only to find out that he scratched almost everything from the original plan while on stage and just became spontaneous. Really kept me on my toes.. I couldnt even let myself slack for a moment =.= My favorite moment that night will definitely be when he solo out one of my favorite music.. "close to you" and the crowd hummed & sing along with the melody...was an awesome atmosphere.
Picture by Daniel, I was too occupied to take any

4th week. I am getting the hang of it.. previous weeks my body was probably unable to synchronize with the new routine. January ends soon.. ushering in the 2nd month. Thus .. the increase of workloads is expected not to mention its gonna be taxing mentally & physically.
Initials at the side of my spec. C=Chang..'surname' :P

You cannot judge a tree, or a person,
by only one season,
and that the essence of who they are
and the pleasure, joy, and love
that come from that life
can only be measured at the end,
when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter,
You will miss the promise of you spring,
the beauty of your summer,
fulfillment of your fall...
*taken from school magazine*

P/s: Is there more to life than just studying & homework for this year?

0 Orange!!:

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