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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Over For now.

Sitting still .. grabbing a pen, steadily filling the potholes that seems an never ending task while matters worse, its a race against time. An hour and a half passed. Sitting still .. I started gazing, at some holes that just seem unable to be filled. My mind labored hard for the week, increased its effort for one final mile. Minutes went by, still the blanks remained as they are, disappointed I lay down my arms and shut the ordeal for good. Contented however, that I actually fared better than my previous attempt. Thus being the most logical thing to do, I lay my head on the table cherishing my mind with the luxury of rest that was insufficient for the past few days. Yet, in contradiction to my mind, my body was anxious. Every joint, every muscle, every vessel, screamed silently, craving for freedom. Still, I was obliged to sit still. A gentle chilly morning breeze blew through me from the door.. It was refreshing and cozy..ahh, pure bliss. I spin my head around observing the others. Some collapsed, dead on the table.. as if a casualty of war. Some fought on, in deep concentration, oblivious to their surroundings writing confidently with their pens, some smiled coming across a familiar pothole. Then one rises from its deep concentration, looked at the front stretching its neck and arms, paused for a moment, then dive back down, mesmerized by the sheets of paper. I turned back, my head begins to get heavy, persuading myself to lay down. Thus I followed. Within minutes my mind wandered, putting my logical thinking and common sense to rest. Dozing off to another dimension. Half way through.. a voice, not loud yet its impact unmeasurable.."okay students, Time is up, stop writing". With immediate reaction, my head lifted. While taking a deep breathe, I expressed joy and relief. Finals is Over.

Well, that describes my last moment spent sitting for my chemistry paper. And after exams went to sushi king with my classmates. Ate quite alot.

Not much pictures because I was concentrated on eating :P

Just imagine the amount of sushi we consumed

Of course, I dint eat it all by myself xD

P/s: More workload coming up ahead. So much for good rest.

0 Orange!!:

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