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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009


If ur asking why did I put that 3 words up on my title post, well read my post. You will understand completely, and be warned, its a LONG POST :P

What do you get if you merge 'Beauty & The Beast' with L6F4??
You get 'Beauty & The Beast' going to a beach party with MichaelJackson dancing there! :P

6th Form Night. Starting from the beginning of our preparation, which is exactly 1 week before 6th form night. As for me, I only get to know about the plan to change the drama on Sunday. I still remember when the decision was made, it was Sunday morning and I am seriously blur during that time thanks to a few hours of sleep the night before. What happen to be a simple suggestion, turned out to be the main idea of the drama. After we drew out the main plan, my classmates literally practiced day and night, all were so motivated to give it all, to go all out, and nonetheless everyone made sacrifices. Their degree of cooperation, I've only ever witnessed during my scouting days and years serving in HM(history makers). I am still jaw dropping awe-ed and dumb-founded whenever I think back through the 1 week we went through together. We practiced whenever we can find time in class, made plans for practices ahead, exchanged ideas at anytime possible and came to school for practice till late night. I could still remember the joy at 1st when we test the UV lights and the effect was way much better than I anticipated. Before that I was still doubting whether will the effect even work.

Nonetheless, practice intensified as Saturday closed in on us. I too, suffered insomnia for a few days due to the fear of unable to finish everything on time and make a fool of ourselves on Sat night. At 6th Form Night itself I was tremendously stressed out. And after witnessing the performance of other classes I was discouraged cause ours is just too simple and short compared to the others with sophisticate choreographed group dance and a long performance. The moment of truth came when we performed. There were glitches and problems with the hardware, however the performers did their job with perfection. Everyone did exactly what they were suppose to. The crowd's cheer rocked the hall supporting us all the way, the hall went dark with only lights from the UV bulbs, and we had fun. Words and grammar can't describe the joy I felt, all the pain, weariness, pressures, are all utterly forgotten and Its the best feeling that I ever had this year.None of this could had happened if it wasn't for everybody playing their role and being responsible. And of course, there were funny moments through the process, for example the 3 dancers popped in red bull just before the dance to make them high..lol. I hav more to write, more to tell about this chapter of my life. But probably you guys will be fed up by now after reading so much. So I will stop here, and this will forever be an unforgettable chapter of my life. Its just like living in a dream.

Pictures followed. Not much..Cause most are still with my classmates. Might post some up in later post.
I can only find one of this effects that were done
*pics from wailoon and this is done during one of our rehearsals
Our class's MJ xD
Scout Brothers in Semi-Formal xD
*there are missing family members though :(
decided to try on Poh's hat, kinda weird on me = =

If only one person could be with me that night.
P/s: Great Job guys... :)

0 Orange!!:

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