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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

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Monday, February 22, 2010


As a friend said, 2 is better than 1.
As I said, I dont have any idea

So.. while I was counting ang pau money..
Hellooooo? its GXFC! not this =.=

Had to admit .. this year ang pau income is vry vry low.. like im experiencing some recession or something. Too bad I dont have those really loaded relatives that toss their ang pau to you with 50bucks inside.. or write a cheque ..

Tried to sleep early the night before school starts. Tried to do myself a favor cause I barely sleep properly for the entire 1 week holiday.. except for 2 days. Was about to doze off... cozy.. drowzy .. breathing slowly .. i feel a good night dream awaits.. then .. *BOOOM* .. fire crackers mayhem ruined my night.. and I end up dozing off at around 3am. CRAZY PEOPLES! DONT THEY KNOW THEY HAVE NEIGHBOURS??

Today in class .. almost half of my classmates dint attend school .. then the remaining half was zombified and sleeps in class .. I crumbled during chemistry.. chemistry has this mystical sleeping atmosphere that makes me sleep. Then nearly half of my classmates collapse during physics.. a sight to behold. A slow 1st day of school .. where in my mind I was expecting a highly pressurized and stress intense 1st day.. well .. thanks to peer pressure I moved at an insanely slowed pace on the 1st day. That explains why am I sitting in this chair .. writing this POST.

Also watched 72 家租客 today.. when I was suppose to go tuition =.=
Okay nuf said .. Im obviously still in HOLIDAY MOOD.. my
mind is still in hawai or some
distant place

I'm in fear. Fear of failure. Cause I already know failure is a too high price to pay for this case. But as quoted, courage is not the absence of fear, instead its having realized that there is something more important than fear.

P/s: thanks for all the support. But we all know eventually I'm on my own. still many thanks.

0 Orange!!:

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