About Me

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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Been Great

I know I promised to post bout my new phone..but I will post it later..I am still getting used to its function .. so be patient .. I will post bout it sooner or later..XD

29 Monday
Went to school and play basketball with friends, then Go Parkson Imax..the computer there just sucks...it is so slow...so damn slow... slower than my grandma...lol. Anyway we still have fun there .. played Dota and F.O.C, then went to EnJun house. I was so tired when I went to his house .. I slept within 30 minutes. Later that night went to Jeffery house and play again..LOL...I was among the earliest to sleep....I sleep around 2.30am ...others stay awake till 6am .. O.O ...
At Jeff house I manage to take a few photos ... especially his puppy...it looks like a doll that can move LOL...I will post up the pic... U do the judging

Cute Right???...(*Sry for the blur photos..I am still Struggling with my new phone camera)

30 Tuesday
Did not do much...Just sit at home ..Slacking...watching Movie...Playing Computer...Sleeping

1 Wednesday
Went to church to do video production...Was kinda tiring but it was memorable...Thanks and Bravo to the Drama people for being so coorperative and not having the slightest complaint...which had made things alot easier for the Production Crew...and it is my 1st time really getting involved in this kind of project...oh yeah ...exciting times ahead. At night went to have Steambot with church friends..and I seriosly Pampered my stomach..I ate so much that my stomach feel like bursting...LOL...And yea...We celebrated Kanesh's 18 birthday... guess he is getting older ... xD

2 Thursday
I did pratically nothing that day..just lie there motionless infront of the TV and Computer..except at night went to Bio tuition...

So that about wraps up my life in this week..

1 Orange!!:

Anonymous said...

you dint ask my permission and you post my puppy???
privacy you know???
hmm...ok...fine...just give me RM50 everyday you post in your blog...
hahahahaha...then i will be a rich man when i finish my SPM...wahahaha....
lol...you know that im jz crapping...haha...
anyway...its cute...XD...
take care...=)


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