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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010


its believing without seeing.

This weekend, having faith really did saved my butt!! LOL. Never thought that clinging on to certain principles and believing it could save me from trouble. TWICE!! :D

Anyway. Its one heck of a weekend. Let me summarize in words. ToyStory 3D, Rugby, Football, Swimming, Watch Argentina getting trashed:( ,Football & Swimming again. Physically dead tired right now. Not to mention pain! =.=

Rugby was awesome.. I had fun carrying the ball and sprint my life out to the finishing line. But I dint made it .. LiYong tackled me from behind. Felt like I got hit by a train ..lol.
Watched ToyStory in 3D too!! My eyes damn pain though. Also MAJOR SPOILER! BuzzLightyear can speak Spanish!! LOL!! He is the funniest in this episode.

Also went to Akamomiji with family for dinner on Friday. Parents ordered more than usual and I really are till I almost burst.(they are very familiar with the dishes there aldi coz they always date there.lol) I found one of the dishes introduced by my dad amusing. Its baby crabs.. or mini crabs.

You can eat it with one big bite. But its kinda spiky & Crunchy too! To those who likes crunchy stuffs.. You gotta try this.

And the latest word cup let down. For me la. Argentina lost to Germany. >.<
1st was, Brazil! WHY!?
Then now, WTH ARGENTINA!!*Dnt cry for me Argentina melodies in back ground*

Had McD at Kelvin's place to watch worldcup.. We cheered louder than those in mamak.. really awesome! haha.
Yeah yeah .. fly the flag

But I gotta say .. German performance was solid tat night. Very solid. And Argentina was like they lost their color or mojo tat night. Specially Messi and the GoalKeeper at the 3rd minute.. he was literally watching the ball rolling into the goal. Starring death in the eyes.

Past is connected to future through the present. At this very moment, at every moment, you are choosing to carry on the past with all its troubles on your shoulders, OR to let it go and see bright future pull your forward. Choose wisely.

P/s: Well. This would be my post for the week. I wnt be able to online from Monday till Friday.

1 Orange!!:

EnJuNz said...

OMIGOSH the crabs!

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