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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ipoh Mali!!!

Finally.. the air, the water, the food. It is all Ipoh-ly unique. Nowhere does the air smell so free, the water so plainly yet sweet , coffee drug-ly addictive also the food.. It's like Christmas in your mouth when you eat it. ( I know I know .. ALL GRAMMAR ERRORS!!! :P) But yeah, it's been too long away from home.

Nways.. gonna spend sometime chilling in Ipoh. I really need some timeout from life itself. Close those doors and those windows. I want some 'ME' time. 

And I realized one thing. The fact that I could not handle emotion intensive situations is evident enough that I am not ready for a relationship. It just suffocates me. Perhaps it's again, right person wrong timing I suppose. But yeah, I am working on trying to not to be bothered by it. I am honestly putting effort into it.

6 Orange!!:

EnJuNz said...

duuh. it's all excuses. nothing can stop ya if ya want it.

JamesC said...

Maybe la .. but i don't feel like i have the time and opportunity to get what I want as well. But whatever la,whatever will be, will be! :D

Jeffrey said...

agree junz!
when it comes it comes!!!
james, i know it kinda contrasting! but..let it be man! =)

JamesC said...

Ahh really la.. if want to go pursue will take up alot of time and resource la .. summore really hardly get to see her on a day to day basis. It's nearing impossible, but yeah .. somehow I am jst attracted to impossibility. fml.

EnJuNz said...

think about it. you go to love and make it happen. Not love go to you and make it happen. It never happen that way unless your Kim Bum

JamesC said...

I know it takes effort la. Im just thinking what will it cost, and I am thinking to myself am i up for it. And Holy SHIT with the Kim Bum..the heck man .. even lengzai hav to take effort = =

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