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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Here Comes the Rain again, falling from the Stars

No doubt if you pay attention to the weather its been raining this 2 days
Sunday we had watergames in youth
at the 1st round I was doing video shooting, All of them were briefed clearly that I must not be shot
However that msg just dint went through their head and I end up running for cover..lol
Actually I ran into the middle of the warzone to "capture the moment" XD
It was amusing watching how the 2 teams fight against each other...
At 1st their walk in formation ... like 300 , wah very yeng right?
But once meet face to face, All hell broke loose...
Forget bout strategy, Forget bout the flag, just start shooting
Even the refrees were not spared from this "wonderfull" fate
Sadly when it reached my turn to play the rain starts falling...
but the opposite team decided to play anyways and we went around shooting each other
I just grab a watergun and start shooting everyone's face in the field
It just feels so good, especially when u sneak behind them .. muahahahaha
Get real wet as the rain gets heavier..
at night gt a real bad flu and I was half dead .. thanks to only 10 hours of sleep in 3 days

Slept till Monday morning wake up, Dj called me to go Jusco, said no transport then doze off again till afternoon when dj call and say they coming to pick me up to jusco with kevin, dj, v-tjen, julian to give out kidsgame forms
I was a feeling a little blue today and dint really confront everyone to give out the forms... later went to get my haircut...Finally!!! I really go get a hair cut ... after like 3-4 months..
Well..so much for now , Thursday is judgement day ... and probably .. Friday might be another judgement day.. feel like doing this right now

Yeah..I'm in that position right now... all that's left to do is to wake up the bear
I might do it , I might not
Mayb tis week , mayb never
It mayb my worst mistake
It mayb a dream come true

A passage from the Link I intro frm the last post
Cancerians never go directly after what they want. Their strategy is to move in every direction but straight ahead. They'll play this shifting game indefinitely, until it looks as if someone else is about to grab the prize. Then the cards are played quickly and cleverly-Cancer lunges forward, takes hold firmly, and refuses to let go.

This is Stupid, This is Foolish, yet This is Me
P/s: Sry again for a long post with Few pictures and MANY words. XP

1 Orange!!:

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