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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Living, not Surviving

Been insanely busy lately. Just at Tuesday it self, went school then stay back for practice until 4pm. Then 7.30pm go school again and practice till 10pm. Practicing till our ass break just so we can present a decent show at Wednesday's rehearsal and won't be disqualified. Well, the show we presented was a little of a mess, things dint go as planned but the supervising teacher, who were actually pissed off at our class for not attending the Monday rehearsal qualified us, and told us she is looking forward to see us present our drama. As like many other classes, ours have a surprises well installed to awe the crowds and also the competition. If things goes as planned, it should be a good short sketch. If all hell broke loose.. well at least we gave our best.
A sneak peak of our practice
AND NOW! 21/10/91
You are that insane guy that screams along side with me in my car at outside people
You are that guy that always makes weird sounds at the most unexpected moments
You are that good friend that always brings me up when I fall
You are always there to listen when I need an ear
You are the one person that knows nearly all of my secrets
You are the 1st person responsible for my 1st near death experience :P
You are the one person on earth that don't mind being called... XXXXX >)
You are definitely the closes to a brother that I could ever have(cause I dont have one)
The old days.... HAHA

Other than that.. I missed the beach.. somehow = =|| I just have this thought or craving to stand by the beach and scream my lungs out, feel the ocean breeze, the soft tender beach sand, the breathtaking scenery and listen to the waves of the oceans. Let's hope next Saturday I can get some opportunity to enjoy at the beach while surveying for campsite.
Wish I could be here, now

P/s: Forever is over.

0 Orange!!:

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