Well .. this weeks been bizarre. I've been forgetful, tired, frustrated easily. Feeling grumpier than usual and been driving like a mad man on occasions.
Forgetful. Seems I've been out of focus or just a little off this week. Almost lost my car keys, nearly took wrong readings for phys experiment, just today almost lost my club room key and some certs and the list goes on. Well .. probably just a sudden flux of irregularity.
Also, watched a move named '500days of Summer'. Well. I got to know this movie from Enjun's blog. Initially I dint pay any attention to it.. till I read the movie's quotes.. which I find that its kinda hilarious. So I decided to dwl and watch it. The next thing I knew I was sucked into this film. It's beautiful.
Narrator: This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front, this is not a love story.
But its a story about love
But its a story about love
In any this movie make it worth watching in some mysterious way. I came across very few of this kind of movies, simple no actions .. a move about life that seems simple & boring at its synopsis yet manage to make me glue on the screen without a pit stop. Better than pointless explosion and excessive killing and overexposed emotionless sensual scenes.. a movie bout life is the best.
Well...what this movie is about? Its simply of a transition phase from Summer to Autumn.
Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life. 30th of April is a Friday and it rained that morning.
Well...what this movie is about? Its simply of a transition phase from Summer to Autumn.
Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life. 30th of April is a Friday and it rained that morning.