Anyway, forgot to mention that I actually babysit Puiyeeng's puppy
(i think he still is) last Saturday morning..just to know whats the fun of having a puppy. Its only for a short period of time and mind you the puppy did actually survive under my hands & I think he enjoyed it :P. Its called a
shi tzu. A breed for the royal family in Ancient China,
(yes, when they are still building great walls & writing with sticks with a fur attached at the end of it). It was somehow, fun to have it around...although he is like.. jealous that I'm eating McD and kept barking all the way while i'm eating it.. even attempted to climb up the table to get my food..adorable indeed .. haha.
My name is Nicholas. Nicholas Lee. I like my pink ball alot. Don't touch it.Speaking of food. Well, all sane people out there, its the time of the year again! Yes.. it is! Its the one and only SuShi Bonanza! Went to Sushi King with classmates today and ate like there isnt a tomoro...well given the condition of my budget for this month and I dont think I can afford another day of sushi mania. Anyhow...enjoyed my self there, and I bet my tastebuds enjoyed themselves even more .. haha.
Smoked Salmon...magnifique!
Burp :pAlso got to test drive jeff's Mini Cooper. Well.. i gotta admit I did fail at an epic proportion at manual transmission = =. The car is awesome anyway. Real sleek. Not a family car though.
The interior is nice :)
With a 200Grand price tag on it, this car is anything but Mini in terms of priceWell... goodbye again?
p/s: Some thoughts are best left alone.
3 Orange!!:
Don't kill him like you strangled the cat in front of the scout den. I have proof. ;P. *wink
A MINI!!!!
I like ;)
Enjunz~ Heyyy HEYY!! I dint strangle that cat okay?? I was holding it!! And its still alive!! Dont alter the proof!! RAWR!
Deb~ Haha.. well step one of getting to test drive A MINI is getting a driving license :P
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