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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Out of steam

After a adrenaline rush for the whole morning thanks to Muet , a hustle bustle afternoon and an evening of ushering than a night with friends .. well I'm currently physically as good as dead. Many things to write.. lazy to type.. also lazy to think what to type. Ahh. I'm getting tired so easily.. whats going on?! Apa sai ni .. saya masih muda la!

Anyhow.. kinda screwed up my Muet. I will go further into it later. For now just another short update.

Also.. spending time with childhood buddies does really made me reminisce on my childhood memories. All those funny moments .. idiotic actions. I realize I'm missing my childhood. I miss so much from it. I miss being naive.. being ignorant to all the complications. Sounds dumb and foolish.. but I dnt care what you others think.. this blog is for me to voice out what I feel. I miss Form 4 & Form 5 .. particularly Form 4 .. ahh so much memories.. so filled with moments.
Just remember one fact. One day in the far future we will look back and miss the current present

Now that I realize. My tears had dried up years ago.. and I can still shed occasional tears but I just lost the voice to cry. Is this good? .. Is this being strong? or .. simply being heartless? Is this wrong? ..

4 Orange!!:

EnJuNz said...

Neither Strong or Heartless. That's Disappointment. The disappointments that we've cried too much for and got used to; and the heart that does not want to give a damn anymore. All left is a feeling that aches occasionally deep within the lonesome heart.

JamesC said...

Yeah .. mayb we're just got so used to it..lol. But making it a habit aint healthy. =S

Jeffrey said...

agree! neither strong or heartless.
crying is a way to let go, to clean up the blood from the scars inside you. crying is good. every time you cry...you will feel better...better and better. this is actually the reason of GOD give us the ability of crying..=)

JamesC said...

Yeah well. thats the problem. I lost the ability to .. u knw .. do that.

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