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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

A night of unexpectation

Seriously unexpected. The last thing I figured for last night is meeting friends and having a good time. But somehow felt its very short. Next time, CALL EARLIER

Initially we 1st met at Secret Recipe and had our supper there. But then at around 10plus It closed down and they 'Chased' us away. VERY VERY BAD customer service. BOO!! BOO I SAY!! BOO!!! Still, I like that spaghetti I ordered. So we made opted for a second round at the nearby McD.

Took some photos as well.

The people.
The Gang
 Never expect to see him too

Keng&Waisoon had to leave early so thats just left only Me, Hau & Jason. We initially planned on chatting a little while longer beside our cars, till we see this.. 
Jason's car window got smashed

Luckily there is nothing important in it or stolen.. I think. But I suppose the window itself will cost a bloodshed to the wallet.

Oh well. Guess shit like this don't only happen in my school carpark. And shit happens.

0 Orange!!:

- Hit Count -