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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Carpe Diem

in Latin, it means 'Seize the day'

At 1st I wasnt, but now I did. Life as usual :D

1st day of school. Morning I woke up earlier than the alarm. The weather was cold.. really really cold.. and the sky is dark & havin slight rains.. its like a gloom doom atmosphere & Im nt that happy either nor havin a peace of mind. Reached school & had my 1st problems with the school authorities. Seems my fringe is too long & I was warned to have it cut off by tomoro, which I did!!! Other than that things were actually quite smooth and I did enjoy my day :) . My chem teacher this year is no longer Pn.Sim. Its now Mr.Hee!!! Well, theres hope for my Chem now! :D Also had the same class this year.. yeah the one stuck in the corner of the school.. like a bunch of outcast= =. And my class pupils has shrunk from around 25strong last year May to 16 people only. Its jst soo quiet .. sooo dead.. >.< well at least the boys are still noisy at times.

Well this year.. I am definitely gonna work hard & in class thats mean I'm gonna be a friggin nerd = =||, laugh all u want, I dont giv a crap bout it.Enough slacking, procrastination, blind dreams. Its time I really put my mind into it. I've screwed up last year.. BAD.. & this year I had to work up harder to cover last year mistakes. Nonetheless, its time to turn things around..yesterday will make you stronger.

New year resolution?
hmm well.
1) get decent grades
2) get a dslr(hope so)
3) no CAR CRASHES(like seriously..I knw I shud drive more carefully)
4) swimming :D
5) get an owner for the keychain.(we'll see how, Nt likely gonna happen)

P/s: Now, where was I? oh yeah.. making a timetable.. :P

0 Orange!!:

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