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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goodbyeee HOLIDAYS!!!

Woke up today morning by a weird dream .. like.. seriously weird.. and nonetheless scary. Guess returning to school pressure is hitting me .. oh well. Spent most of my morning sitting at my study desk trying to sketch out my goals for this year and also a timetable(its 1st time in life where I actually make a timetable for my own personal life *proud* :P) and where do I want to see myself at the end of this year. Well, the timetable havent materialize yet.. but rest assured its not procrastination!!! Duh, figured myself since when did I want to get so organized.. or became an organized freak.

One things for sure.. I am turning down on my rational side..almost every side of it. Entering Form 6 itself is already rejecting the rational & the common sense within me. Nevermind that, following my heart&intuition for once wont hurt..right? Besides, I have full confidence that I can survive Form 6 pretty well.. which all I gotta do is put my mind into it & stop slacking. Well, the slacking part definitely not gonna be easy :P

Spent the rest of my day rotting at home and also browse through some funny demotivate™ photos.. which is actually for some reason.. depressing ..= = (dont bother asking why CAUSE I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW DID IT HAPPEN). Probably I'm not taking loneliness that good anymore.. lol. Enjoy the pics~

If any of you are figuring why all the frequent update of sudden .. well thats probably due to the coming days I most likely wont be active in the internet realm anymore. Well.. I hope its real .. shud spent more time facing the books than facebook/blog/msn/whatever...
I know i am gonna miss you ... ALOT when school starts.
And I felt like shit even thinking bout me gonna miss you
And I know the feelings is not mutual
still, thanks for making me so alive for the past few weeks
Though I know ur not smart enough to see this :P

P/s: Packed my bags, got my shoes, cleaned my desk.. I am gonna take you seriously 2010.. no more the usual jolly go around me.
P/s/s: I know i've been ranting alot lately... dont worry.. I will do that alot less after school starts :)
P/s/s/s: Enjoy Schooling to all fellow students!! ToT

7 Orange!!:

Jeffrey said...

hahahaha..im smart enough to read that..
~poor little girl~

EnJuNz said...

I'm smart enough too. Btw. Boy scout. Next Time I will give them doation. :D

Jeffrey said...

owh serius...?
the money from your blog..??XD

JamesC said...

Jeff - Blah. You were told such things exist.
Junz - You started it!.

Btw.. girl scouts for cookies.. boy scouts donation .. den.. gay/les scouts?? HAHA

Jeffrey said...

james~ i wasnt told by anyone, i found it...XD
they do both!!!hahahahaha

JamesC said...

Yeah right :P

If they do both means they are earning tons of cash!! .. O.O

Jeffrey said...

hahaha..it depands..
you try to do both...doesnt mean that you will earn tons of cash le...muahahahahahahXD

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