Reluctantly, I've immersed myself into this year.. with a heavy heart of leaving December behind. For oh to many reasons I would hope My December last year never ends. But, as humans, we are all bound to the laws of time & nature. Time, is inevitable.. U can't escape it. Twenty Ten, better treat me better than Twenty ZeroNine or I'll ask Enjun's snowball to bite you ..HAHA
Kays, ranting aside. Started my New year by indulging myself with some appropriate rest. But still.. after only 10hours of sleep
(which is nt enuf) I was dragged of by Mom to Tesco to get my pens/pencil and other stuffs for school. A simple shopping for stationery turns into a restock of my house food supply.. = =" dont even want to ask how it happened.
2 more days.. and my life will take place here.
School.. Nvr thought that I once miss this place = =||
It's all about finding the right key for the right door and opening it at the right moment to a world of infinite possibilities and wonders.. simple to say .. precision.
2 Orange!!:
you are threatening 2010 too huh. Later on, I'm be on the top wanted terrorist list by 2011,2012,2013 and so on and on
Figured you are doing as well, so why not jump in the boat..xD. Just remember to post up pics of you terrorizing whatever there is .. :P
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