About Me

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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Layout~

Well, decided to try out a new template for my blog. Been quite frustrated with the limited posting space that I have with the previous blog template. However can't really find one design that really satisfies me, this one standout most .. so I decided to go ahead with this template. Comments of it would be appreciated. I personally think is a bit girlish for a boy's blog =______= .

And this would be my class's presentation for that night.

Although it had better quality... the ending is still quite dark.. cant really see whats going on ..
and this is the direct link to it if any of you want to see it in HD |LINK|

Ohh ... just got my camera today and I will try to upload those pics tomoro. Stay Tuned :)

0 Orange!!:

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