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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Zombie for the day

Yeah... if you observe me.. today my every actions is slow and clumsy. I've been like a zombie.. seriously...well all because I slept for only 1 hour yesterday. Dont ask why =___=. Dint know that I cant handle tiredness like I used to those days when I'm still active in scout. *Note to self:Sleeping is important, especially to me.

And Finally .. I did some serious video editing, Finally!! Well i'll take it as a warm up since I had not been doing it for the past 3 months or so. The video can be better, problem I ecounter was just the lack of resources.

Thanks for the cake guys, Happy Birthday Justin !!! haha!!
And also thanks for the card Hannah Lee.
Seriously, the cake is nice

Today is also father's day. I was suppose to organize a dinner for my family"means I decide where we eat and I drive my parents there". But I overslept and seeing my Zombie face, my mom says is too risky to let me drive =__=
So we decide to dine and wine in this place.
It bleeds your wallet in return pampers your mouth sky high

No pics of the food, the place i was sitting has no good lighting and it will be awkward to on my flash in a cafe with so many people around.
All in all the food is Fantastic. Totaly worth it. Its expensive but for rare occasions, this is the spot. Good surroundings, Good food, and also not too noisy.

Yeah.. a pic I found in facebook
Enough said

Can't wait for the Transfomers movie which is coming out 2 days after my birthday.=D

P/s:Being a zombie is not fun.
P/s/s:Screw you Form 6 new system!! Why must you begin it on my Birthday!! =(

4 Orange!!:

Kelsey said...

Happy 18th James! hope you have an awesome bday and oh, can I be a 8 person and ask u questions one day? =P have great day =)

JamesC said...

Thanks =D. what and how many questionss you wanna ask? o.O

Kelsey said...

haha er dont know. Personal questions lol. nah its cool if u dont want to. I know its very random of me. =P

JamesC said...

sure, no prob.

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