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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Eat and Grow Fat.. Uh oh...

Sooo.. today went to "Big Tree Feet"(translate to cantonese) I eat alot.. since I assumed that I will have a late dinner or no dinner at all... really I ate alot.. and when i said alot.. it really means ...ALOT. =P
Its already partially eaten

Well then at evening .. Mom asked wanna go eat at a Japanese Restaurant? Since she's lazy to cook. So the usual me who just cant turn down on good food said yes. So its kinda a double combo heavy eating...(Heavy late lunch + Heavy early dinner)

This is the Restaurant
Took this 2 pictures since I was boring

And when the food arrived the phone battery died.. Aww too bad.. cant take any photos of it..(actually I was to excited and started eating without taking photo shots.. hehe) Oh yeah .. the waitress and waiter at that restaurant speaks japanese.. I was like.."WAT DE HELL?" And the food was moderate only..

And currently playing this game during my leisure time. Its kind of a stress relief game.. XD
Just think for a sec.. the ability to toss car around like soft toys and break ppl like breaking eggs and virtually nobody can stop you.. what do you get? Hardcore pure violence =X (stress relief.. now you get it?)

P/s: Sleep deficiency+Irregular consuming of food+Stressed out situations.. this is hard.

1 Orange!!:

Chi San Vivica said...

haha...eat so much???nice anot??
those food...so like to eat...
so bad i have coco in school..if not i may join u all at big tree leg...SO BAD!!! next time ya!!

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