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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's not just another day.

So yesterday went to late for school..again = _____ =
Then after school I attended the U.s.s.t Meeting, or should I call it Handover day. It's the day where the old bunch of seniors handover their authority to their new comrades. (easy to say, its just handover their post to out batch =P)
The meeting place is as if you are having a Parliment seating. Which is kinda cool.
The new batch. I was on the other side of the photo -.-
Busy trying to get out after the meeting

The meeting was not bad (its kinda bored actually, but what can I expect? =P). Well I was then asked to make a short announcement, in CHINESE. OMG! at 1st I took the news like nothing happened. But right after that, I begin to think what I need to say.. and I realize I had not been speaking proper Chinese for quite some time 0.0 (sry to some chinese ppl, I knw ur unhappy that a chinese boy will have problem speaking proper chinese). just for your info.. I speaked fluently without choking...or so I think.

Later went to IRC with Enjun. Thx for the treat and also the chat.

New resposibilities. New problems. New situations. Its a whole new world even when I'm at my old world. But yeah.. as they say adapting is the only means of survival. Sigh.. my lifestyle is really screwed up right now.I wont elaborate much on it.

Other than that, today somebody brought hamsters to u.s.s.t meeting. They are so cute!! I was mesmerized playing with them.. lol. I even actually asked can I take it home for the weekend. =P Probably I should go get my self a pair of hamsters as pets.

I always wonder.. what will i do if i return back to that moment.. where what I want was just soo close, but i lost it because i gave up too soon. Asking for another moment like that is not an option. Well at least I learned the hard way.

P/s: Hope and Salvation are sometimes found in the most unexpected places.

0 Orange!!:

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