About Me

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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Simple? Short? Instant? Just a notice

Okayyy.. its unusual of me to abandon my blog for more than 2 days in this 2 months. Its just that recently alot of things happened, very busy + I'm still deprived of rest.GAH!!!.. For some of you people you shud've know that Melvin got admitted to hospital at Friday due to an unexpected tragedy. Oh well .. not gonna elaborate much. But I will write out more on the next post. This is just a short notice..xD
When you crash and fall, You are momentarily weakened
Yet the best part is, You are permanently strengthened

When all you got to keep is strong
Move long just to make it through

P/S: Happy Holidays people!!! :D

0 Orange!!:

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