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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Unexpected Tragedy

Okayyyyyy... Finally I'm free to do some blogging. In summarize Friday was an unexpected tragedy, Saturday was a little of community service and Sunday was a sick morning = =||.
It all started on Friday. As usual since it was a holiday, went with a few friends to school to play basketball. Well .. the unexpected tragedy was Melvin fall and broken his leg. Then got him to PantaiHospital and stayed there for around an hour.. turns out it was serious and he had to go for some X-ray scan..So went pizzahut with a few other classmates (since it was close by and we are friggin hungry). 'Melvin left the field with honour'-Quoted by PohKoonSeng
That's the broken leg
Pantai Hospital
Had'nt ate any pizza for months
Love the Tabasco Sauce
Toyota Kancil?? O_O

Saturday went with a few church people to do some community service for one of our church member. An old lady.. I don't really know her but apparently those who grew up in church will know her. At 1st the boys&men are given the task to clean the backyard garden.. yet when we open the door.. it was a JUNGLE/RAINFOREST/AMAZON!!! U get the picture.. even some of the plants are taller then me. Lucky we brought some heavy tools to handle the job. A video slideshow I did is in SPC's youth Blog. Later on visited Melvin with WaiHau.. Funny .. both of them are my deskmates.. LOL
Dont worry.. he's a nice guy :P
This is what happens when u let 2 psychopath handle dangerous tools xD

Sunday, was suppose to go Church in the morning but I laid dead on my bed. Thanks to heavy dizziness that made me threw up couple of times.. i even felt dizzy when I was sleeping = =||. Anyhow gotten much better at noon and went to visit Melvin again with a few classmates.
children ward? o.O
The victim of the tragedy
Hospital Food

Thats about it .. Gonna have class dance practice 9am at pologround this Monday .. which is today since its 1.18am.

The fact that I'm all alone
That all those that I once relied on emotionally

Had all utterly gone away
Makes me depressed sometimes
when I really need someone to turn to
P/s: :) *note: smiling for fun

0 Orange!!:

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