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JamesChang. A person when laughs, will sound as if a million hens clucking in joy for laying eggs. A person that is also at times unpredictable and random. On occasions can be so dull that you might catch a cold, yet could be so wild that you might end up with a fever. So stay tuned, and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Cause life is full of ups and downs.

Soul Food

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why are Teachers always weird?

Did I said my exam was an epic failure.. well let me correct my phrase.. it wasnt epic at all .. infact it was a TOTAL failure.. flunk every single subject including MUET. what could be worse? Final year exam is 1 months away.. and in the mean time we had to be busy with class dance and also an assignment .. isnt that fantastic? "James's life forecast" is predicting an incredible hard time ahead with extreme accuracy. And when I think things couldn't get worse.. it just did.. Since there is a new teacher arrived, she was assigned to teach us chemistry. And this is the 3rd teacher officially teaching us in 4 months =_________=. This 3rd teacher is the worse of all .. seriously .. I cant explain how.. but you gotta sit in my class to experience it. One thing above all .. she is not Student-Friendly.. infact I am terrified by her. She cant even teach properly..everything is just so confused when she teach.. suddenly teach here.. suddenly teach there..I gave up on paying attention after 30minutes of her class.
"At least Ms.Poh reads us the text book"-quoted by Melvin.
Okay.. enough of rambling.. time for some pictures. enjoy~ :D

Taken in class today
(frm the left:WaiLoon,Melvin,Me,WaiHau)
This is the TV we used to watch MUvsArsenal during ChurchCamp
Guess what they are looking
(restaurant city = =)
Random pics from camp :D

Well thats about it. To those facing trials.. GAMBATEH!!! :D

How could it return this strong feeling,I killed it twice
How could it fire up again,I had covered it with Ice
Its been years, how can it possibly return thrice
Once she said love isnt really love
When the feeling is not mutual
Then what am I feeling now?
My soul unwilling to lie anymore
Is tired of this long struggle
Against the very truth that existed in Me
365weeks ago, the start of an Amazing Journey
You are one, that I can find no replace
Call me crazy if u want, I dont am I still sane
If this isnt Love, tell me what it is
I could be dreaming, or just plain crazy
I never been so dedicated in life
I promised if fate was ever so gracefull
To let my life to cross path with yours once more
I will be a changed man , I will be ur prince.

P/s:当命苦时,就须活强 :)

0 Orange!!:

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